Dear You,
You broke my heart once
You locked yourself out of my heart
And there is no way i'm gonna let you unlock it
I will forgive you, but you will never be number one in my heart again
I will have someone better than you
And you will regret for breaking my heart
You shall be history in me
No more my future
And you shall regret everything you did bad to me
Good Luck Finding The New One....My Dear.
Dear You,
Im begging you, just for one moment,
To say thank you for everything you did to me,
Thank you for all the sweet memories,
Thank you for all the calls and messages,
Thank you for all the concerns,
Thank you for all the time that you had spent to me,
Once again...Thank You My Dear
Dear Heart,
Im begging you,
Please stay strong.
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Thank u for the comment. I will reply later ok...:)